Come closer (Poesia Lady Hannah)


"Come closer" 

Come closer next to my heart
 and make myself 
Leave all the sorrow and Pain
And come closer
Closer by my side
To make my life 
Realize what dont have 

Comes closer and
Make me  fly 
Around the sunsine 
That Bride 
Like diamond 
Around  are you and I

Come closer to see
The difents Green colours
Of the mistery ocean
Can to explain 
Like rhymes of lines

Come closer to feel
What I feel when 
I  enter inside of my 
Mind and the tears
are  like one river
And you can to become 
This in present of 
Plesures and surprises

Come closer,
Closer by my side 
Let see all over you
One New change 
That I have to Go out 
Of this 
Poor and dark  life 

Por Lady Hannah 


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