Feelings comes by Spirit - Poesia Lady Hannah em Inglês

"Feelings comes by Spirituality"


Feeling is not by heart 
But of one special 
Felling of infinity,
Felling  is  not by luxury, when the 
Feeling comes  by  Spirituality!

Feeling is like watch 
The Sea, fell so good
 Unique  and Magnific
That forget the things, when the 
Feeling comes  by Spirituality!

Fellings is like to stay 
In one jungle,
Enjoin the raindrops
That falled of  the sky
Touching your face 
Happiness comes of Yoursef, 
this is the Magic, simple, When The 
Feeling comes  by Spirituality!

The  color and perfum
 of one rose
Become more intense
And flash, When The 
Feelings comes by Spirituality!

The Light of Sun
Warm the skin so
Softy, and It comes
So bridyness
Only can to see
When The
Feelings comes by Spirituality!

The stars of sky 
Shine more, and 
Can tô see one map
Of stories with a lots
Designes that hipynotise
So amazing, when the 
Feelings comes by Spirituality!

Spirit and universe 
Are tied each other like 
One couple, no have 
Way to become separated
Because both 
Belong themselves 
Happy the person 
That understand... that
Feelings comes by Spirituality!

By Lady Hannah


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